Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Taman Balekambang (Balekambang Park)

Taman Balekambang (Balekambang Park) is a park built by KGPAA Mangkunegara VII for his two daughters, namely GRAy Partini and GRAy Partinah. Therefore, these two princess statues are also placed inside the garden. In addition, the park which is divided into two is also named according to the names of the two daughters, namely Partinah Bosch which is a kind of urban forest, and Partini Tuin, which is a pool of water. This park is located on Jl. Ahmad Yani, Surakarta with an area of 9.8 hectares and opened to the public starting at 07.00 until 18.00 West Indonesia time every day.
The balekambang park was originally named Partini Tuin and Partinah Bosch which was built by KGPAA Mangkunegara VII on October 26, 1921. Because of the affection for his two daughters, GRAy Partini Husein Djayaningrat and GRAy Partinah Sukanta, a garden was created by capturing the names of both. Taman Balekambang combines European and Javanese concepts.

This park consists of two areas. The first area called Partini Tuin or Water Park Partini, functions as a reservoir of water to clean up the dirt in the city which is also used to play boats. The second area called Partnah Bosch means the Partinah Forest planted with rare plants such as walnuts, white banyan, breech banyan, and brown apples. The function of this city park is as a recharge and lungs of the city.

At first this park was not open to the public during the KGPAA Mangkunegara VII administration, only in the Mangkunegara KGPAA VIII era, the Balekambang Park was opened to the public. Since then, various arts have been held for the people, such as ketoprak lesung. This art is ketoprak which is accompanied by the music of dimples.

In 2008 revitalization of Taman Balekambang was carried out. After that Taman Balekambang began to function as an art & cultural park, botanical garden, educational park, and recreational park.

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